It's time for a moment of self reflection 

The Five Points of Self-Reflection

Self-reflection is a powerful tool for personal growth and understanding. By taking the time to evaluate your thoughts, actions, and emotions, you can find clarity and improve your decision-making. Here are the five key points of self-reflection to consider:

  1. Awareness: Begin by acknowledging your current state of mind, emotions, and actions. Understanding where you are right now is the first step toward meaningful change.
  2. Evaluation: Assess your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Reflect on your successes and setbacks to identify patterns or behaviors that shape your life.
  3. Values: Align your actions with your core beliefs and principles. Ask yourself if your choices reflect what truly matters to you.
  4. Goals: Reflect on your short-term and long-term aspirations. Determine if your habits and daily actions are helping you move closer to achieving these goals.
  5. Action: Use your reflections as a guide to implement positive change. Commit to small, actionable steps that foster growth and improvement.
  • 5.) Making self-reflection a regular practice can enhance your self-awareness, help you navigate challenges, and lead to a more intentional, fulfilling life. Start today by considering these five points and see how they can transform your perspective.

When I start to feel overwhelmed with work, life, dreams, purpose, and all those crazy things… I like to journal because it helps me work through my problems in real time. I know journaling may sound stupid but it truly works. You can even get apps on your phone that come as a diary or journal. I personally feel more comfortable doing it with a pen and paper, because I know my thoughts are safe. Here are some of the thoughts that I run through to help me get back into alignment with myself:


1.) What would make me happy right now? 


2.) What's standing in the way of that happiness? 


3.) What's draining my energy?


4.) What do I need to give up in my life, say no to, or let go of?


5.) How can I re-prioritize my to-do list? 


6.) What can I declutter physically or emotionally to find more ease and simplicity in my life?


7.) What are 3 things I am most grateful for right now?


8.) Who are 3 people I am most grateful for right now? 


9.) What am I really really good at? What’s my superpower?


10.) What would I be doing if money or other people’s opinions didn’t hold me back?


11.) What am I afraid of? How can I confront those fears head on?


12.) Where do I feel out of alignment with the things that bring me joy?


13.) What do I want to learn more about?


14.) What accomplishment am I most proud of this month?


15.) What is a short-term goal I’m confident I can achieve? 


16.) What small action can I take this week towards that goal I want to achieve?


17.) How do I define success?


18.) What does self-care look like for me?


19.) What does my ideal day look like (i.e. where are you, who are you with, what are you doing?)


20.) Am I surrounding myself with people who bring out the best in me, or energy and resource drainers?


21.) What is an important lesson I’ve learned recently?


What works for me, may not work for you; therefore create your own list and take time to reflect on each question & give them honest answers. Yourself awareness is important when it comes to motivating yourself when you feel stuck. Not doing nothing because it's easy- it's failure! "you don't fail when you try, you fail when you give up."

Things You Can Do to Motivate Yourself When You Feel Stuck in Life

Feeling stuck in life is something everyone experiences at some point. It can be frustrating, but the good news is that there are practical steps you can take to regain motivation and move forward. Yes, I said practical- because practical doesn't always work if you come into it with doubt. You'll never have a resolution to your problem if you don't implement the things you're reading. Race and color has nothing to do with being practical or simply trying things to see what works. You'll never know what will help you until you experiment with different things. There are all kinds of helpful resources and I'm trying to be one of those for you. So, Start by setting small, achievable goals. Break larger tasks into manageable steps to build momentum and confidence. Reflect on your passions and values—what truly matters to you? This can help you realign your focus and reignite your drive. Additionally, try to adopt a growth mindset. Instead of seeing challenges as roadblocks, view them as opportunities to learn and grow.

Sometimes, a simple change in environment can make a huge difference. Take a walk, rearrange your workspace, or spend time in nature to clear your mind and gain fresh perspectives. Surrounding yourself with positive and supportive people can also uplift your mood and spark ideas. Don’t underestimate the power of physical movement—exercise releases endorphins, which help improve your mood and energy levels.

Finally, practice self-compassion. Feeling stuck is natural and temporary, so be kind to yourself during this period of discomfort. Journaling your thoughts, meditating, or even celebrating small wins can help you stay motivated. Remember, the key is to take one step at a time—progress, no matter how small, is still progress... And as I always say, "A baby step is still a step right?" So when your feeling unfocused or stuck in life try some of these things. I would also suggest podcast! Find a great podcast of someone you would like. I suggest looking on Spotify. One show to listen to is 7 good minutes by: Clyde. For more help review the website page of mines Confidence is key! So get some.

3 Motivational Podcasts to Get You Unstuck in Life

Feeling stuck and in need of a boost? Here are three incredible podcasts that can help reignite your motivation and guide you toward clarity and action:

  • The Marie Forleo Podcast – Known for her uplifting and practical approach, Marie offers advice on overcoming challenges, building confidence, and living your best life.
  • The Tony Robbins Podcast – Hosted by the world-renowned motivational speaker, this podcast is packed with strategies for personal growth, financial success, and unleashing your potential.

I also listen to 7 Good minutes by clyde. This podcast is a game changer and I suggest you listen to every morning before you start your day. Each of these podcasts provides a unique perspective, powerful stories, and actionable tips to help you break free from feeling stuck and move toward a more fulfilled life. Start listening today and take the first step toward a motivated mindset! You can do it, I believe in you, so believe in yourself. I wrote some mindfulness quotes from great leaders that will help you on your journey. Review 21 mindfulness quotes to keep you in the moment

Welcome to Live happier or Die trying

At Live happier or Die trying, we believe that everyone has the power to create positive change in their lives. Our blog is dedicated to providing you with the tools, advice, and inspiration you need to take control of your life, build self love and confidence, and ultimately live a happier and more fulfilling life. Join us on this journey of self improvement and personal growth.

The 7 core principles of growth

Growth, whether personal, professional, or organizational, is cultivated through fundamental principles that guide progress and development. Here are the seven core principles of growth:

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Self-development: time management: here are 12 easy to do hacks to saving time.

Let me start by saying this: people are notoriously terrible at time management. The tendency to blame others—your boss, your coworkers, the endless stream of emails, or even the time itself—is almost hilarious when you consider the truth. Here's the reality: the issue isn't out there; it's you. Time management is a skill, and like any skill, it takes effort, discipline, and a willingness to admit where you're falling short. If you're constantly feeling overwhelmed or behind, it’s time to stop pointing fingers and start reflecting on your own habits. Are you prioritizing what matters, or are you getting distracted by low-value tasks? Are you overestimating what you can accomplish in a day, or underestimating how long things truly take? The good news is, you can fix this. But first, you have to own it: you're terrible with time management—and that’s okay, as long as you're ready to change. If you don't change your habits when it comes to this- then there is absolutely no reason to continue reading this... So exit the blog post or keep reading.

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Millennial relationships-women like ass too! The same things you love on them they love on you.

Things are not the same anymore—women's preferences have evolved, and it's no secret that many now admire physical qualities like a well-toned ass on men. While traditional beauty standards often focused on men's upper body strength or broad shoulders, contemporary tastes reflect a more holistic appreciation of physical fitness and aesthetics. This shift highlights the growing emphasis on overall health, effort, and self-care in modern relationships. For men, it’s a reminder that embracing balance in fitness routines, including exercises that target ass muscles can leave a lasting impression. After all, confidence and self-maintenance go hand-in-hand with attraction in today’s world. I must admit I'm one of those people who like to model my backside. 😂😂 That comes with being a fitness model. Mine is natural and I didn't have to work too hard for it. Curvy butts run in my family.

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Self-development health and wellness foods you should and shouldn't eat infographics

Your body relies on a variety of essential nutrients and vitamins to function at its best. These include macronutrients like proteins, carbohydrates, and healthy fats, which provide energy and support overall growth and repair. Equally important are micronutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, which regulate vital processes and protect against deficiencies. Key vitamins like A, C, D, E, and the B-complex group enhance immunity, strengthen bones, and improve brain function. Minerals like calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium promote muscle health, oxygen transport, and balanced hydration. By incorporating a diverse range of whole foods—fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, nuts, and whole grains—into your diet, you can ensure your body gets the proper nutrients and vitamins it needs to stay in good health. Here is a visual image of the things you should eat and the things you shouldn't eat. ✅❌

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Live happier or Die trying is a self improvement blog dedicated to helping individuals take charge of their lives and find happiness. Our mission is to provide you with the motivation, advice, and insights you need to overcome obstacles, build self love and confidence, and live your best life. Join our community of like-minded individuals who are committed to personal growth and positive change. Feel comfortable leaving an email. We do respond. Be blessed. You can now go to the home page. Use our drop down menu or search bar to find what you're looking for. Home