Finding your inner peace : in 6 steps

Published on 8 December 2024 at 10:21

Finding your inner peace is more then a concept. It's something that's crucial on the journey of self discovery, and self improvement. Sometimes the noise in our heads cause us unwanted anxiety, and when we're anxious there is no peace of mind or time for meditating on the things that matter. This is where we have to define the things that matter the most. You can only began by first acknowledging there's a problem in this part of your life. 

 Pause and Reflect: Are You Truly Taking Care of Yourself?

Life can feel overwhelming at times, but taking a moment to check in with yourself is essential. Start by asking yourself these three critical questions: 1) Am I tired—physically, mentally, and emotionally? If the answer is yes, it may be time to slow down and reassess how you’re managing your energy. 2) When was the last time I actually had a peaceful, good night’s sleep? Sleep is not a luxury; it’s a necessity for your overall well-being, and neglecting it can lead to serious health issues. 3) When was the last time I wasn’t worried about something in my day-to-day life? Constant stress takes a toll on your mind and body, making it harder to enjoy the present moment. Reflecting on these questions isn’t just about identifying problems—it’s about taking the first step toward a healthier, more balanced you. Give yourself permission to recharge, because you deserve it.

Finding your inner peace: The 6 steps that will get you there.

If I've pegged you correctly, we both know the answers to these three questions where not good; and this is where I come in with some insights and resources for you to use.Understanding inner peace

Many people define the sense of inner peace to be the key to oneness and fulfillment; But you may not know exactly what inner peace is, much less how to find it.

Inner peace doesn’t come to you by simply wishing it into existence. It’s something you have to want bad enough to work for. "People who are never at peace in life often display these 8 subtle behaviors (without realizing it)" often we mistakenly some how think that inner peace comes from our outer peace, so we try to create inner peace through outside order and control. And...then we are some how surprised when we’re stressed to the max about the entire process. It feels more and more like your life is over stuffed with more chaos and disarray. Like a storm that has no end...

Stress and anxiety can activate the fear center of the brain known medically as the amygdala, which signals to the body, "I’m not safe right now”. If we don’t feel safe and secure, it's probably a definite that we're going to act in ways that that are unlike our normal selves. One of our natural responses in feeling unsafe with everyday stressors, is by trying to control the things around us. We mistakenly think that if we can do that, then we’ll feel great again—that our inner sense of “balance” and “security” will be made whole once again—but we inevitably just end up creating more stress in ourselves, because what we don’t realize- is that instead of trying to control ourselves, we’re trying to control the world, and everything around us... and we all know that never ends well or turns out right. It's just something that can't be done.The only thing that happens is: you either create this warped  illusion of control which is nothing more than a Band-Aid over a gunshot wound, and serves to conceal the vulnerability, rather than heal it. The other outcome is that things inevitably go completely wrong, and the stress, anxiety, and restlessness continues to worsen. In these chaotic and unsteady times- in our lives, it’s easy to fall into a constant state of stress or discontent.We may not even notice that our bodies and our brains are always on high alert, because it became the norm to us. unconsciously looking out for the “danger” or for the next "shoe to drop." We might not notice how rigid our bodies become, and we might not notice how disconnected we become from our present moment, or the people around us; because all of our internal resources are being refocused and pointed at maintaining our sense of safety and security. At this point we're more easily overwhelmed and agitated by noises, people, choices, and random shit that continues to compete and demand for our time and attention. If you’re an emotional or sensitive person this experience is even MORE heightened and overwhelming. Before we know it, we find ourselves lashing out at our children, our family, friends, our boss, or random people. So then we end up falling into feeling ashamed and even more insecure from the guilt. We don’t mean to take it out on those we care about but at that point we just don't give a damn! We’re not mad at them, we’re just fed up with being triggered by something unhealed in our childhood, the traumas we've been through, we're yelling because we’re burnt out, and restless; or because this situation is wearing on us to the point that we're emotionally suffocating…or because life is wearing on us…because we’re wore out and stressed financially…because the world is unpredictable and has too many grey areas, and you have more needs then you do wants, and there's No joy and only chaos; and people are always divided and we’re always connected, yet SO disconnected from ourselves and everyone around us, because we’ve gotten into this terrible habit of closing our hearts and our minds to keep ourselves feeling safe when even that doesn't work. Finding peace is easier said then done... But stop viewing life like a plate with an elephant on it. That would seem like a hell of a lot of food to consume at once. So change your p.o.v start saying any time something bad happens in your life- instead of overwhelming yourself with things out of your control say "how do I eat a damn elephant? And the answer is "one bite at a time." Stop swollowing life up in one gulp and take it in by bites. You will never be able to change people or control the outcome of everything in your life. "That's the surprise and the spice of life." The only thing you can truly and always control.. is "you" your feelings, emotions and how you deal or react to things are totally up to you. Once you gain control of yourself, you've mastered what control really is. Now here are some things to do that will get you focused on centering yourself and finding your inner peace if you actually do them.

#1)The most important step to achieving peace is to acknowledge the fact that you have control over your mind, including your thoughts and how you respond to others. If you don't take responsibility for your reactions to others than you will never live in peace. No one makes you do anything. You alone are in control of how you choose to feel, think, and react to negative or positive things around you.

#2)Be present! When you understand that you can't change the past, or the future and you only have the "now" you will be more motivated to stay in the 'present.' this awareness will bring calmness and piece within your life.

#3)Pay attention to what your thinking about. When your mind starts to take you places that bring you discomfort- redirect your thoughts to something positive and good. Be intentional about this!!


#4)Self care! Is more then luxuriating in a pool or going to a spa. Love yourself the way you would want someone to love you. Show yourself grace, and compassion. Use daily self affirmations to build positive self-esteem and confidence.

#5)Meditate! take this lightly but meditation can help significantly in aiding you on your journey into finding peace of mind. Challenge yourself by meditating at least 15 minutes a day. Visualize what peace looks like to you. Be happy for the little things in life.

#6)Get back to you! Just because life has tired you out or over worked you doesn't give you the right to give up on you. No matter what your age or circumstances are- if you don't do something you enjoy at least once a week, you will never have peace of mind. You can't use the fact that you have a job and kids to take care of- to excuse the fact that that your not having fun in life. So at least once a week do something you use to enjoy but haven't made time for or try something you always wanted to try. You have to have me time that has nothing to do with pleasing those around you. Self love is the best love, and you can find peace in knowing that. But I suggest that you try these things.

I'm here with you on your journey. Your personal life coach in the background cheering you on. You got this! I believe in you more then you believe in yourself right now, but I know that will change soon. Good luck on your journey to live happier or die trying.

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a month ago

Very nice blog. I think it's better then some I have seen & I would like to see how it turns out. So how do I follow or stay involved?